Facing foreclosure? Contact the HomeCorps Hotline at (617) 573-5333
Addressing the foreclosure crisis is one of the most important things we can do to restore a healthy economy. Utilizing funds stemming from the nationwide state-federal settlement over unlawful foreclosures, the Attorney General’s Office launched a statewide foreclosure prevention and borrower support initiative called HomeCorps.
The goal of the Attorney General’s HomeCorps is to mitigate future impacts of the foreclosure crisis by providing advocacy to distressed borrowers in Massachusetts facing foreclosure. The HomeCorps includes a comprehensive three-part borrower support and referral initiative.
HomeCorps Loan Modification Initiative: The Loan Modification Initiative offers direct loan modification advocacy to distressed Massachusetts borrowers, in order to help many residents avoid unnecessary foreclosure. The Initiative is staffed by a statewide team of skilled Loan Modification Specialists.
HomeCorps Borrower Representation Initiative: The Borrower Representation Initiative will provide direct legal representation to distressed borrowers, with the goals of resolving legal issues preventing loan modifications, blocking unlawful foreclosures and pursuing other potential claims. Attorneys at civil legal aid offices across the state will be funded by HomeCorps to provide these legal services at no charge to qualifying borrowers.
The Community Based HomeCorps program will work directly with families and individuals facing foreclosure as well as provide referral services for families who need to transition from homeownership. The goals are to expand the network of providers using the AGO HomeCorps mediation model while assisting former homeowners in preventing homelessness. Staff at selected nonprofit organizations statewide will provide loan modification application assistance and referral to stabilization services as well as available benefit programs and financial counseling providers.
Contact Information
Phone: 617-573-5333
Website: http://www.mass.gov/ago/homecorps/
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA
Mailing Address:
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108-1518