A program of Island Grown Initiative, The Mobile Market is a truck stocked with reduced-price fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. The Market makes stops in neighborhoods with low-income, elderly, and/or disabled residents, and those with limited access to fresh, locally grown food. The mission of the market is to expand healthy food access for all in our community, with a focus on low-income islanders. 

We purchase local produce at wholesale prices from local growers and sell with a small mark up to cover operating expenses – this is not a for-profit venture. Anyone can shop at the mobile market. There is no need to provide any proof of income or identification forms. The primary mission of the market is to increase access to fresh, locally grown food to low-income islanders, and so we gladly accept SNAP and WIC and Senior farmer’s market nutrition program coupons.

We accept cash, local check, SNAP/HIP, and Mobile Market Coupons. As a reminder, we are able to process SNAP’s Healthy Incentives Program throughout the winter (an additional $40-$80 to be spent only on local produce) and our produce is sold just above wholesale price. We will be selling island grown produce like carrots, parsnips, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, eggs, frozen soup, frozen butternut squash and more! 

2020 Indoor Winter Mobile Market
January 8th-February 28th

Wednesday’s 3:30 – 4:30 pm at Woodside Village Community Room
Thursday’s 3:30 – 4:30 pm at Howe’s House Community Room
Friday’s 2:30 – 4:00 pm at MV Hospital Front Lobby

Contact Information