We are a 12-step group. Our goal is emotional sobriety. Contact: Bob MoranPhone: (732) 208-8644Email: acamarthasvineyard@gmail.comMassachusetts website: www.acamassintergroup.orgGlobal website: www.adultchildren.org.
Read MoreHandhold
Handhold was created by a team of mental health and child development experts in partnership with parents who have gone through what you are going through. Our goal? To guide you in caring for your child’s mental health and emotional well-being. Family partners and parents of kids with similar experiences to yours told us what…
Read MoreVineyard Health Care Access Program
The Vineyard Health Care Access Program is a community-based service of Dukes County that connects residents of Martha’s Vineyard with health benefits. We help people to apply for, enroll in, and maintain coverage in health insurance programs including MassHealth (Medicaid), Medicare, Connector Care, and Qualified Health Plans. We also provide assistance with other government benefits…
Read MoreVineyard Gazette Self Help Listings
Weekly listings of support group and 12-step meetings around the Island. Contact Information Website: http://vineyardgazette.com/self-help
Read MoreMartha’s Vineyard Substance Use Disorder Coalition
The mission of the Martha’s Vineyard Substance Use Disorder Coalition is to engage, advocate, inform, and bring awareness to substance use disorder through education, prevention, treatment, and recovery to build a healthy, safe, and addiction-free community. Get Help Now Contact Information Email: info@mvsud.orgWebsite: https://www.mvsud.org/ Phone: 508-693-7900 x222
Read Moremvaddictionhelp.com
Find resources around prevention, drug treatment, recovery support and general information for families, community organizations, schools, and parents concerned about addiction and looking for support. Contact Information Email: info@mvaddictionhelp.comWebsite: https://www.mvaddictionhelp.com/
Read MoreDrugrehab.com
Drugrehab.com is an online information center of Advanced Recovery Systems who is dedicated to those battling addiction, mental health, and substance abuse problems. Their goal is to equip families with the necessary tools and resources to guide them on the road to recovery. Contact Information Phone: 877-695-5395 Email: webmaster@drugrehab.comWebsite: https://www.drugrehab.com/addiction/alcohol/
Read MoreSober Nation
Sober Nation is the #1 National Recovery Resources and Addiction Treatment Centers Database on the internet. Our goal is to help the struggling alcoholic and addict while giving guidance to the affected family member. We strive to offer a home for everyone that’s life has been impacted by this deadly disease. Contact Information Phone: 866-317-7050…
Read MoreLearn to Cope
Learn to Cope (LTC) is a peer support network for families dealing with addiction and recovery. Learn to Cope holds meetings run by experienced facilitators who have been there. These meetings offer peer-support, education, resources and HOPE for families dealing with addiction and recovery. They are a safe place for members to share their experiences, ask…
Read MoreRecovery Research Institute
The Recovery Research Institute is a leading nonprofit research institute of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, dedicated to the advancement of addiction treatment and recovery. ADDICTION-ARY: Access a glossary of over 200 top addiction-related terms defined. ADDICTION 101: Get information and resources on the protective and risk factors, epidemiology, etiology, phenomenology, and typology…
The NAMI Mass COMPASS is your guide to mental health and related resources in Massachusetts. Navigating the mental healthcare system can be complicated – we help individuals and families affected by mental health issues find their way. The NAMI Mass COMPASS is operated by peers and family members who have dealt with these issues first…
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