Financial issues and money management can be complex, with particular challenges related to living on-Island. There are a range of services to support Islanders in understanding their options and receiving assistance in meeting their financial needs and goals. Find information on money management, government benefit, financial assistance and other services on Martha’s Vineyard.
Financial Assistance Categories
Financial Assistance Providers
- American Legion Post 186
- American Legion Post 257
- Be Safer at Home, Inc.
- BenefitsCheckUp
- Buy Local MV (Our Island Club)
- Cape and Islands Workforce Investment Board
- Cape Cod Vet Center
- Cape Light Compact
- Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled
- Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc.
- Connelly Law Offices, Ltd.
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
- Dukes County Public Benefits Access
- Dukes County Regional Housing Authority
- Dukes County Veterans Services
- EconomicCheckUp
- Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands
- Eversource / Discount Rate Program
- Healthy Incentives Program
- Home Modification Loan Program
- Homeowner Options for Massachusetts Elders
- Island Counseling Center at MV Community Services
- Island Health Care Community Health Center
- Island Wide Youth Collaborative
- Islanders Talk Benevolent Fund
- Martha’s Vineyard Cancer Support Group
- Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
- Mass 2-1-1
- Massachusetts Department of Revenue
- Massachusetts Family Caregiver Support Program
- Massachusetts Health Connector
- MassHealth
- My Medicare Matters
- OnGuard Online
- Prescription Advantage / Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs
- Private Practice / Patricia Mello & Associates, P.C.
- Saxton 4×4
- SHINE (Serving Health Information Needs of Elders)
- Social Security Administration
- Summer Food Service Program
- The Resource for Community and Economic Development
- The Salvation Army Martha’s Vineyard Service Unit
- Universal Service Administrative Company / Lifeline Support
- Verizon / Lifeline Discount Program
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9261
- Veterans Outreach Program
- Vineyard Health Care Access Program
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
- WIC (Women, Infants and Children)